Monday, March 31, 2008

Saving Traffic: Transportation Planners are funnier than you think

This hysterical video, sent to us by our second new correspondent, GR Polonais, is part of the ongoing peace process between the editors here at Saturbia and the transportation planning community. We come in peace, and generally on the bus.

Guest Post: French finally justify their monopoly on urban theory

This post comes to us from Orale Suomi, our newest correspondent in the field. You too can write for Saturbia.

What is it with the French and urban theory? I never understood why they should have the market so cornered. I also often do not understand the theory. But I realized it is all about the context. You have to put yourself in their place to get it. Take Michel de Certau for example. I was wandering through the streets of Paris the other day and I finally understood what the hell the Walking in the City thing was about when I saw these guys:

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Swiss Agree to Pay Reparations for Corbu

Zurich - The Swiss government announced today that it would spend $10 billion Swiss marks over the next five years to repay cities for the damage done by one of it's most famous citizens, Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris, aka Le Corbusier. Although the famed modernist and designer became a French citizen in his 30's, the Swiss acknowledged that their culture of precision and general disregard for the goings on in other places inextricably led to the production of Corbu, and hence his contribution to the systematic destruction of vibrant urban spaces on six continents.

Details of the reparations process are unclear, although cities like Chicago are reportedly preparing a multi-million dollar claim based on Robert Taylor houses alone.